Preparation of sauce:
Dice onions garlic and basil while meat is cooking. Put one small can tomato past, one can diced tomatoes and two cans of tomato sauce into a large saucepan. With a little olive oil saute onions, garlic and basil in a large frying pan add cooked onions, garlic, basil and meat to the sauce. the sauce may have to be cooked down until it is thick.
Lasagna is all about the layers its the building of flavors layering on top of each other and enhancing the over all taste. A lot of people are afraid of making lasagna out of fear of messing it up. It must be said however that it's far harder to truly mess a lasagna up than it is to make it right.
Ingredients for sauce:
2 cans of tomato sauce
1 can tomato paste
1 can diced tomatoes
1 medium onion diced
1 clove of garlic
1 Lb of meet of choice
Olive oil
Lasagna Ingredients:
1 package lasagna noodles (about 12-18 noodles)
1 lb shredded mozzarella
12 oz of Ricotta or cottage cheese
grated Parmesan cheese
put a layer of sauce on the bottom of the dish covering the bottom completely, place lasagna noodles in hot boiling water for approximately two minutes, just until they become barely cooked and barely bendable. layer noodles on top of the sauce, place ricotta or cottage cheese on top of the noodles layer grated mozzarella on top of ricotta then place spinach on cheese, followed by sauce, noodles then sauce again cover top with mozzarella then sprinkle with Parmesan. cover with aluminum foil and
bake for about 35 minutes remove aluminum foil and bake another 15 minutes. Bake longer if it looks too moist or runny. Pull out and let cool for a minute or two (if you can keep everyone from digging in) and serve.
Lasagna is wonderful because as long as you have the basics noodles, good sauce, and lots of cheese you can put pretty much anything in it and is still wonderful. From sausage, chicken, bison, to beef, from spinach, mushrooms, peppers to zucchini every meat or vegetable option is completely acceptable and just adds a unique touch for anyone's preferences. So enjoy and don't be afraid to try making a new slightly different lasagna.